
The Doctor’s Voice – Hardcover signed copy


Doctors leaving the medical profession is a global problem that can no longer be ignored. In this ground-breaking book, you’ll be taken on a journey to unveil many common sources of physicians’ frustrations and discover how to: – Address the causes and effects of burnout and stress. – Empower doctors to use their voices as vital feedback. – Boost engagement, productivity, and retention. – Mindfully collaborate with healthcare stakeholders. – Influence fit-for-purpose technology solutions. – Enhance workplace experience and wellbeing. – Purposefully transform the future of healthcare.


The Doctor’s Voice is a unique and inspiring vade mecum for medical students, junior doctors, and consultants looking to develop their communication, leadership, and self-governance skills. It is a blueprint for building engagement and trust across the spectrum of stakeholders to create thriving healthcare. This book is a window into the endless opportunities arising from unleashing the priceless value of what doctors have to give.

Additional information

Weight 195 g
Dimensions 21.59 × 13.97 × 0.76 cm


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If you feel it’s time to break the silence, be heard, and make the most of your doctor career, this is your start

London, United Kingdom